• "This was the perfect gift for my som’s birthday 🎁! They are 3 and this was very easy for them to use. The toy shipped fast and was easy to put together. I love how it lights up and makes sounds, it’s very realistic. It rides smoothly and is so much fun!"

  • "My son absolutely loves his power pony. This was the best gift that we could have given him. Also, this is a great company to do business with. I would highly recommend them. 👍"

  • "So happy with our Power Pony! We've had hours of laughter already. I have found that it also has the unexpected benefit of supporting sensory processing - She spins in circles 🌪️ on it every day after school and finds it so soothing. She loves it and it's helping her!"

  • "Brought this for my 6 year old's birthday. She is obsessed! I didn't even need my husband to put it together 🔧 because set up was so easy."

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